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Drivers and transport in UK Derby ⇒ Fresh Logistics

Fresh Logistics

Downing Rd, Derby DE21 6HA

Description of place/company...

Opening hours:

    Monday: 12:00 AM - 11:30 PM
    Tuesday: 12:00 AM - 11:30 PM
    Wednesday: 12:00 AM - 11:30 PM
    Thursday: 12:00 AM - 11:30 PM
    Friday: 12:00 AM - 11:30 PM
    Saturday: 12:00 AM - 11:30 PM
    Sunday: 12:00 AM - 11:30 PM


Phone number: +44 800 612 6512

Reviews of Fresh Logistics

Jordan Kenp in Fresh Logistics  Jordan Kenp
This company is not a good one to work for. Please stay clear of it. They have you working so many hours with a very short rest time in between shifts. This is illegal and employment law will be getting contacted. They treat drivers like rubbish. Aslong as they do the deliveries they arent bothered about your health and well being. They really run you to the ground and then people start ringing you constantly asking where you are then put more on you. This isn't right a persons health is more important than a delivery. Its dangerous and there is going to be a serious incident they will have to deal with if they arent careful.
Alex McKama in Fresh Logistics  Alex McKama
Outstanding Company. I have worked with Them for over 3 years now. They always looking after Their employees, In few words: "If You treat them well - They will treat You well". The most of the driving jobs are very exciting. I've been to pretty much everywhere You can imagine in U.K. and the rest of the Europe. Wages are paid correctly and always on time with no a single delay. The Office staff are polite and friendly. If You're in trouble - They will try to do Their best to help You out. GREAT Company to work for and with. 100% Recommended!!! 👍😎
Lee Robinson in Fresh Logistics  Lee Robinson
Great place to work, high rates of pay too!
Israr Amhie in Fresh Logistics  Israr Amhie
Absolutely Ridiculous Customer Service. They dont know how to talk to potential Clients/Customers. They dont even have a Reception area like before. Standards hace Gone down. #SomethingGoneWrongFreshLogistics
Paul Locke in Fresh Logistics  Paul Locke
Great service and great staff.
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